Friday, July 8, 2011

Golden Nugget: "Unseen Generation"

God wants a generation set apart and on fire for Him. No more in between (lukewarmness) Rev 3.6 "So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth" God is seeking for people that are willing to give EVERYTHING over to HIM, and to live a life of complete holiness and obidence. He is seeking true worshipers in the hour! Who will worship Him in spirit, mind, and truth. (John 4.23) God wants it ALL- He is soo ready to OUT POUR His spirit upon us.. I feel in my spirit an "acts 2" kind of out pouring really soon. Something I have been praying for. People that flow in the supernaturl and see in the supernatural have high expectations for the moving and flowing power of God on a daily basis. We are not normal christians- we are abmormal on fire people wanting to see heaven invade earth! This is why God has brought us all together for a reason. A) so we can be influencers for other people in our areas of influence and get them fired up and set apart. B) we are world changers. We will go different places or stay here, but we will always be together. As pastor Brian Houston said last week- life is short but life is long. We need to start living in TODAY and use that power that we have in today and GO use it!!

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