Saturday, August 20, 2011

What is this generation seeking?

                      What is this generation seeking?

This Generation has been so torn apart, by broken families, awful circumstances, and just a world that doesn’t care about anything but themselves.  And what does this leave our generation searching for? Well let’s take a peak and see what the bible has to say.

Our generation has been so hurt by things in life that leave them turning to the media and world. They are looking for something authentic with power and a fresh touch. Basically they are hungry for encounters with God but don’t know where to turn to, to get that encounter with God.  So that means “we” as a church have to go outside the four walls of the church and share Christ. (Holy Spirit activity will be found outside the church.) They need a fresh revival of GODS love!

1)   The church must go outside the four walls—our time is to short the hour that we are in things are getting too dark in the world. As we see the move of God through the church, we are becoming the “Acts 2 church.”  Jesus said that we would go out and do greater exploits then He did. But we are not seeing them because we are not rising up and fulfilling the calling that God has placed on our lives. Every year for years generations have thought that their year was it, hoping that they would have the most anointed year and see the greatest move of God. But it never happens, because people give up and don’t finish what they started so every single generation has to start off fresh that’s why the church must arise and have an awakening. (Ephesians 5.14.) Our generation needs to be encountering the love of God and being equipped with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and being sent out. We don’t see this because the western church is afraid of spiritual encounters- so they organize everything on faith. The Acts 2 church (Act 2.41-47) was based on community and power, any believer can walk in the “kingdom power.” (This is what our church is finally turning into.)  Elijah recaptured the hearts of the people of God, before God brought rain. This is what is happening to us, God is trying to recapture the hearts of His sons and daughters before He brings the latter rain. Are we ready for the spirit of Elijah?

2) Since the church is rising up in the darkest hour what does this leave the world doing? It’s rising up people to become “fooled” as they release demonic shadows across the country. These people that are being raised up in demonic forces were even talked about in the bible, but as Christians power increases so does the demonic realm. (But Christians always have the victory!) Worldly people can also have revelatory and healing gifting. In exodus 7. 11 it talks about sorcers doing magic tricks, that were not from God. Demonic voices speak through the magicians and bring entertainment to others with their “magic tricks.” Now days besides bible times to we still see black magic? Yes we sure do! In witchcraft, new age, astrology, sorcery, spiritualism, astral travel, and anything else that is not/of from God. But some big warning signs so you can differentiate between-- is it from God or is it black magic. If it’s not done in the name of Jesus then it’s not the right stuff. An example would be back in the time of Moses when he threw his staff and it turned into a snake, and then the sorcerer threw their staffs and they turned into snakes. But at the end of it Moses snake and the entire sorcerer snakes and then turned back into Moses staff. How cool is that? That’s another example of how Jesus always has victory.
Sorcery brings out hate, pride, power, depression, oppression, and jealousy among other various things that leave people in very destructive behavior. But they think it’s okay to act this way because they have enough power from the devil so why would they want to change to Christ? These demonic forces are being released across America and more people are following the ways of the devil than Jesus. This is why the churches need a spiritual awakening.

3) So where does this leave us now? We have Christians that can perform signs and wonders along with the world that can do black magic… In later years in this generation I believe that we are going to see a showdown. Just like they did in Baal. Just like in 1 Kings 18. Elijah against the prophets of Baal. He defeated 450 “false prophets” and this is the point that it’s going to get to light verse the darkness. This is why it’s so great-- that we need to have a spiritual awakening NOW. Not tomorrow, not till next week.  People are not coming into community like in the Acts 2 church- Elijah got depressed in Baal because he was all-alone. This is why we need to come together as the local church and get planted in the house of God, get activated in our giftings and go bring light into the world. If we can all continue to fulfill the will of God in all of our lives and live it fearlessly we will be able to set up a great pace for the next generation to come!

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